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Jules has been doing psychic readings since 1985 when life just sort of “threw” her in that direction.  She has an educational background in counseling and human development, coupled with a work history of years in traditional social work and various other positions.  She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, a channel and a sensitive (can sense feelings and discomfort within others.)  She is also the author of Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers, Sexual Ascension, The Risen, The Light Work Course & more.  Her specialties are relationship and career readings, psychic development and light work technique, psychological soul assessment and ascension.  She has clientele world-wide; many of these clients have been with Jules for years.


  • Accredited Light Work Instructor

  • Certified in Light Body, Self- Exciting

  • Doctoral Student, Transpersonal Consciousness Studies, Sofia University

  • M.A. Transformative Leadership @ CIIS

  • Graduate M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology--Calamus International University

  • Psychotherapist, Psychic Consultant & Intuitive Counselor, Artist, Writer, Channel

  • Bachelor degree in Counseling and Human Development--Higher Ed. U of MN



Dear Jules,


I am writing to express my utmost thanks and appreciation for the readings we have had together. I had to write to share that I have had readings consistently with others since 1988. I believe you started reading for me about 2 or 3 years ago and until that time I had not read with anyone that was CONSISTENTLY “RIGHT ON” INTUITIVELY as I have experienced with you. Your encouragement and kindness has been so appreciated as I have experienced increased self esteem while becoming more conscious. I would HIGHLY recommend you and your services. I am so grateful to have found you and look forward to many continued years of working with you!



 J.H.  Big Bend, WI


“Your reading encouraged me very much in trusting myself and getting more
confidence in my own abilities - I thank you for this from the bottom of my
heart.”   M. S., Vienna, Austria


“I have had the pleasure of having Ms. Kennedy work for me on several occasions.  She is diligent and quite the perfectionist! Her attitude is positive and her work is excellent!  I highly recommend her.”

K. P., North Carolina


"The work of Jules Kennedy has had a profound influence in my life.  As a result of working with her finely tuned intuitive capabilities and her channeled Light Work courses, I have discovered greater depths to my purpose in this life.  I thank Jules for all she has provided me, and I highly recommend her readings and her teachings for anyone prepared for manifold spiritual advancement."   A.T., San Francisco, CA


A client’s recent response to an email reading that was done for her by Jules:


“Wow that is a ton of information.”  P. F., Atlanta, GA         




The predictions and insights are for contemplation and inspiration only. Some intuitive services suggest that the advice they offer is for “entertainment purposes only”. I say that yes, this is entertainment but it is also very real for the person receiving the service. I cannot however, be held responsible for the actions and deeds of anyone based on how the information is perceived, interpreted and acted upon as a result of their personal understanding. Sometimes situations change in mid-creation due to free will, unforeseen circumstance, ego manipulation and other transpersonal influences and factors.


With the highest of integrity I give my clients the most refined and light filled information possible based on what or how I interpret the info coming through to me. The client decides what to do with the information. I am not liable for the misdeeds of others, and also cannot guarantee firmly that everything stated is going to happen as specified; or that the course of creation discussed won’t be altered after the session by intervening and/or manipulative sources. I do hold a prayer and the intention to give the purest information possible at the time of the session. The Highest Good for All Concerned.


All rights reserved (c) Jules Kennedy MGP Enterprises 2013 - present.

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