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Channeled Relationship Readings-regarding your dearly departed loved one, soulmate, twin soul 

Jules will channel for you those that have gone before us, one that you love dearly. The messages you receive may help you clear unresolved grief, and/or get some answers to a relationship that is very important to you. Couples readings are available as well. All readings are done by phone or Skype. 


To order a channeled relationship reading:



60-minute relationship channeling: $200.00


Once the order is received Jules will email you about scheduling within 48 hours.


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The predictions and insights are for contemplation and inspiration only. Some intuitive services suggest that the advice they offer is for “entertainment purposes only”. I say that yes, this is entertainment but it is also very real for the person receiving the service. I cannot however, be held responsible for the actions and deeds of anyone based on how the information is perceived, interpreted and acted upon as a result of their personal understanding. Sometimes situations change in mid-creation due to free will, unforeseen circumstance, ego manipulation and other transpersonal influences and factors.


With the highest of integrity I give my clients the most refined and light filled information possible based on what or how I interpret the info coming through to me. The client decides what to do with the information. I am not liable for the misdeeds of others, and also cannot guarantee firmly that everything stated is going to happen as specified; or that the course of creation discussed won’t be altered after the session by intervening and/or manipulative sources. I do hold a prayer and the intention to give the purest information possible at the time of the session. The Highest Good for All Concerned.


All rights reserved (c) Jules Kennedy MGP Enterprises 2013 - present.

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